Thursday, May 22, 2008

Giving Blogging a Shot

I have been inspired by Mr. Rabijay himself to start blogging. I am going to try and post at least every couple of days. **Please note - nicknames will be used instead of real names but if you really piss me off, I will use your real name. Also, I have been told I have a mouth of a sailor so there could possibly be some curse words, I will try to sensor but cannot guarantee anything.

Nicknames are:

Carebear - Me
Panda - My Husband
DDT - My son/my job
Hankers - Our Dog

So a quick overview of me:

I am a 31 year old (32 in 6 days) stay at home mom to DDT. We live in the village of La Bufta (not the real name of our city, I stole this from Rabijay) DDT is 16 months old and is quite the little boy. DDT loves the dirt and loves to climb. My husband, Panda, works for the lovely city of La Bufta as a volunteer. Just kidding, it seems that way though when I look at his paycheck! Hankers is a boxer mix and is going to be 6 this year. Hankers and DDT have a love/hate relationship.

We are currently on a mission to sell our house in the lovely village of La Bufta. Our house has been on the market for a little over a week. We just need one sucker with a good check to help us in our dream of moving out of the village into a house bigger than 850 sq ft.

I am sure as with other blogs, my blog will be entries of randomness. My spelling and punctuation may not be up to par (it's amazing what you forget when you have a child!) so please just ignore it, you will get the point of the blog.

Thanks and look forward to you all reading my blog!



Gino said...

The doctor is in.....ahh CAREBEAR. Welcome to my therapy. I'm glad you joined so 'let your freak flag fly' on this one.

Carebear said...

You are too funny! You have posted the bar high so hopefully, I will be able to reach your blogging capability.

ChiTown Girl said...

Carebear!! I'm SOOO excited that you started a blog!! I've been thinking about you guys, and wondering how you all are.

As far as reaching RAB's level of blogging, you could do that in a coma!!!

I look forward to reading about the adventures in your life!

Oh, one last thing...if you think you have a mouth like a sailor, you should really check in on my blog once in while. I scare even myself sometimes ;-)

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