Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A New Venture?

So I received great feedback on some pictures I took today at a playdate. Not to toot my own horn (toot, toot) but I have to admit that a lot of my pics turn out really great.

Several people have suggested that I start a photography business but I am not so sure. I really only love taking pics of kiddies because they are so innocent and I don't stage them. I take them while they are playing around and being themselves. If they happen to look at the camera, great! but I don't expect them to just sit there and smile. I want to capture them climbing, jumping, and just plain ol' goofing around.

I definitely think I could use some training and I guess that I should start looking into that.

I mean how does one go about starting a business? What would it be called? How much do I charge? Do I print the pics or just give you a CD and you print away? How do I market?

I am sure Panda would love it if I was able to contribute financially but I guess the question is....am I good enough to contribute?


ChiTown Girl said...

With the exception of the delightful little photo of the RAT you caught (!) I agree that your pictures are wonderful. I absolutely adore the picture you took of DDT and Panda holding hands (it was just of their hands)! As a matter of fact, I meant to comment on it when you posted it. Hey, I say go for it!! What have you got to lose?

ChiTown Girl said...

Hey, I'm still waiting to hear what you thought of the book. I'm I just a big baby, or did it make you shed a tear as well?

Carebear said...

Oh I cried like a little baby. I loved it and think I am going to have to have my friends with boys read it.

Kiki said...

You know I am your number one photo fan, and think you should do it! You are definitely good enough to contribute! Go to a class or two and get some training, and when you are ready, make up a few business cards. I will happily pass them along! My mom works at a school. She could probably drum up some business for you!