Saturday, April 11, 2009

Egg Hunts and Choo Choo....

yesterday Panda and I decided to take DDT and his cousin CM to Irvine Regional Park. The park is awesome! It is huge and a great place to spend a couple of hours exploring the zoo, riding a train, checking out ducks, or playing at one of the multiple play areas. Around certain holidays they always have something to help celebrate. For Easter they had an Easter Egg hunt and of course, the Easter Bunny.

Good times were had by all, with the exception of CM meeting the Easter Bunny. Unfortunately, I am not able to post the Easter Bunny pics because our scanner is sitting in our basement but DDT was all smiles while his cousin CM was freaking out.

DDT Telling the Goat to get Down, Down, Down

The Gang

DDT Finds Eggs

DDT Hauling Away His Goodies

Momma's Little CrackUp

DDT Excited to Be On the Train


ChiTown Girl said...

Awww...SO cute!!! How are you feeling these days, my friend? I think you should paint the belly-bump like an Easter Egg, then post it for all of us to enjoy! ;-)