Thursday, April 2, 2009

Words, Words, Words...

are abundant in our house lately. For those that don't know, DDT is in speech therapy 2x a week and we are just amazed by what is coming out of his mouth lately. When he started therapy he maybe had 5-10 words, this was in January and now, 2 months later, he has over 100 words.

Today he surprised me with Elmo. I have never heard him say it and just clear as day, he said it and kept saying it. So proud of my little man.


ChiTown Girl said...

It's a shame that kid doesn't have any cute genes.... ;-)

Michelle :) said...

Yay for Deanie baby!!! How exciting! :)

Carebear said...

Trust me, since I have a mouth of a sailor, I am finding the censor button has been in full effect recently.