Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Paci Intervention

On Thursday, June 12 will be conducting an intervention with DDT. We will be confronting him about his dependency on his paci. I know it will be tough and he may want to walk away but he has to know that we are doing this for him because we love him.

If he does not agree to this intervention, the following will happen:

1. Nothing, I am the parent and he will obey me! And since he is only 16 months old, I can't kick him out of my house.

I am hoping it will only take a few days to overcome this obstacle. Mind you, it will be a few days of pure hell but I think Panda and I can stomp this nasty addiction DDT has.

Wish us luck!


ChiTown Girl said...

Good God in Heaven!! Good luck with this one!! Lex never used a pacifier, so I never had to deal with this, but my sister did, as did most of my friends. A couple of things I know other people have done is 1. leave it for the Paci Fairy (like the tooth fairy) who will leave DDT a treat of some sort 2. cut a hole in the nipple part, so you can't really suck on it and it loses it's appeal 3. "accidentally" let it fall out of the car window while you're driving (I know, I hate to be a litterbug, too!) My sister got rid of my youngest niece's bottle completely by accident thanks to my niece dropping it over the side of their boat. "Oops, no more baba." She never had a problem since my niece is the one who dropped it!

I know you'll be back to let us know how the intervention went!!

Carebear said...

Thanks ChiTown girl for the advice. I think he may be too young to understand #1. But with #2 that is what our Dr. suggested. I am all about just getting rid of it but we will see. Of course, I picked days that Panda didn't have to work. So at least I am not all on my own and will have someone else going crazy with me!

Anonymous said...

I was once told by a wise man that "Communication is the key to every successful relationship". Apparently this blog is an acceptable form of communication. I learn many things from it. While I have never felt the need to make it a two way communication, this particular topic has peaked my interest. Do you not recall that the plan was for me to be at work during the intervention?
Check the calendar and and pick a new date!

Not So Anonymous

Kiki said...

I would suggest the hole thing also. I have not been brave enough to make Munchi get rid of his paci, but He did try to chew through one and he would get annoyed that it did not work, but never threw a big fit about, since he technically had paci. I wish you and Panda all the luck. And know, if it does not work, there is always another time another day.

Carebear said...

Dear Not So Anonymous -

You are crazy! Get over it and life will be fine. I will even make you a couple of mixed drinks so the pain is numbed a little.

Kiki said...

So, who would be getting these mixed drinks? I don't know that switching pacifier for alcohol is really a step up for DDT...

Carebear said...

Kiki - Thanks for bringing up a 4th option for DDT! Just kidding!