Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Busy Fun Filled Day

Today DDT and I have a fun filled day planned.

1st stop - Barnes and Noble - apparently they have a whole section on potty training books. Who would have thought?!

2nd stop - Petsmart - DDT and I are going to find a fish to add to our family. DDT really liked having Midnight around and still waves at the table where he was perched.

3rd stop - Great Park Balloon - The old El Toro military base has this huge orange balloon that you can take rides on and you can see it from the freeway. Everytime I get on the freeway, DDT gets very excited and points at the balloon. Unfortunately, DDT will not be riding in the balloon because I am scared of heights but he will get to see it close up.

4th stop - this one is a maybe and will be post naptime, the W family.

Tonight is mama's night out with Kiki. DDT will be in the caring hands of the most amazing babysitter ever!

So far, we have made it 2 days without Panda and I actually don't think it is that bad due to the fact that DDT is older and wiser. If DDT was a little baby that needed to be tended to constantly then I might have gone crazy by now. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have Panda here because I love and miss him but I know he is doing what needs to be done to bring home some extra bacon.


ChiTown Girl said...

Your day sounds great! I hope it all goes as planned. Have fun!

ChiTown Girl said...
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