Thursday, August 21, 2008

Earplugs on a 1-1/2 Year Old?

Seriously, I am getting to the point where I may try to put earplugs in DDT's ears when it is naptime. Our lovely house backs up to an alley. An alley where at any given time there are trash trucks loading the neighborhood trash, people yelling, cars alarms sounding off and construction workers making as much noise as possible in a 6 hour span.

At my folk's house, DDT sleeps from 2-3 hours and at Panda's folks' house he sleeps for 2 hours as well. At our house, it may top 1 to 1-1/2 hours. I am so frustrated with this and I have tried different things to drown out the noise but it never fails that once I hear a loud sound, i start to hear DDT stirring and then he starts talking.

I, of course, am joking about the earplugs (well just joking a little) but I seriously do not know what to do besides get this house sold and move into a "regular" neighborhood.


Kiki said...

I just know you guys will be moving soon. Munchi and I look forward to helping you pack!